Love Across the Street

stupid who just can't take it.

a Little Stupid Thing of Mine

beberapa orang dibawah ini dinyatakan sebagai orang-orang yang cukup berharga disamping keluargakuu.. hermina tadmalian salim, pamella, asti nur afala sahir, the H, the A, the V, sayangnya ga jadi have. :) and all of kom08 members

dicari dicarii

-CUMI yang NGEREM di KOSAN muluu -ceSAr yang banyak kesibukan !!! hehee -Pasukan tuKANg ngintip tetanGGa !!! -tUKAng maeN pRo eVOLutiOn soCCeR -anak kom yang KOMPAK & ga da matinya -senior kom yang baik hati hahahahaa^^


dalam beberapa minggu ini, ada seorang perempuan yang sekiranya selalu ada setiap hari untukku. paling tidak, bisa dibilang seperti itu. menenangkanku, meledek aku, memarahi aku, menyanyikan aku lagu yang biasanya ia lantunkan dalam hidupnya sebelum bertemu dengan diriku.

dia cinta keluarganya, dia menyukai apa yang dilakukannya, dia menyukai sebagian besar bagian hidupnya pada saat ini. aku bahagia untuknya. lagipula dia jarang terlihat tanpa senyum di wajahnya.

dia mengajariku bagian dunia yang lain yang belum terlalu terjamah olehku sebelumnya. entah bagian gelap, maupun bagian terang hidupnya yang ia nikmati dan ceritakan padaku. aku senantiasa mendengarkan pembicaraannya. kisah keluarganya, kekasih-kekasihnya, dan teman-temannya. aku hanya merasa nyaman karena aku merasa ada seseorang yang selalu mengajakku berbicara, dan mengakui keberadaanku.

she's another girl that i called an unusual usual person.
can't hate her how much i want to, can't blame her how much i want to, can't do anything about what she's been doing to herself before and after she know me. what an asshole i am.

aku selalu berpikir apa yang dapat kulakukan untuknya. bukan untuk menjadikan diriku 'seseorang' baginya, tapi untuk menjadikan dia 'seseorang' untuk semua orang yang menyayanginya.

hate it.
wish the angel

monday, may 19th 2008

bimbel lagee,,
untung gue baru daptar setenga haree,, jadi bisa ppisahan sama temzon,, hahaa^^
mulai bsok dah ga bisa kmana-mana,, langsung tepar pulang ke rumah,,
dari jam 8 ampe jam 6 dibantai teruuss sampai mampuss..

btw, the oknum S that i told you before, is going to oknum A again tonight..
if you're somewhere near slipi jaya,, look after warnet net dot..

you'll see them there!! ciao.

p.s. gimme a report if you dare!! hahaa^^
*watch out for oknum S anger!!

apologize to oknum S,,

hello there,,

maap bed ya S,,
sampe segitunya nulis di blog loo..

i don't like someone to tell me not to do somehing.
so i will do that thing for not obeying your wish.

sorry before, i hope you catch me before i catch you.

mission failed..

sial. ga kesampean gue ke warnet dia.
gue cape bed,, nanti malah ga nonton manchester united lagii..
tidur ajaa..

MANCHESTER UNITED menang!! hahahaa^^
JUARA lagi dan lagii..

semoga bisa secepatnya dapet field report ttg oknum S ituu.. huhuu^^
wish me luck.

today's plan

rencanane hari ni mo ktemu oknum S, tapi ga tau deh ketemu oknum A pa kaga,, kemungkinan kecil, but i'll try for not letting you guys down! be prepared for my field report!!

new friend...

hello everyone who read this blog,

gue punya tmen baru sebut saja oknum S

dia lagi suka sama cowok sebut aja oknum A

kan hari ni gue maen ke tempat die, terus ke warnet tempat oknum A... hmm,, good taste.. that's what i taught.

kalo boleh direkam, gue rekam deh gimana paniknya dia waktu deket sama oknum A itu. GILA, BEDA BANGET AMA BIASANYA.. HAhaHAha,, tapi ttep,, premann..

maap ya oknum S, nnti saia apus deh klo ngga berkenan,, harap sms ato telpon saia yaa.. hahahaaa^^

kapan2 kite maen lagiii

at last

as you doesn't know that i love you

as you know
sometimes i was looking at you
i was waiting for you
i was smiling at you

as far as i know
i know nothing about simple things
that i should have known as the one who likes you

a day that we were going back to high school
and accidentally go there in the same day
i wish i was brave enough

i was so stupid to admit
that i was calling you because someone told me to
not because i was care about you
i was totally a jerk that time

i don't know
maybe it does a love that i feel
maybe it isn't
can you tell me which one is it?
because i believe you're the one that can tell me about it

i wish i can see your smile this month
which i can't yet this year
which i always dream to see everyday

love or admire,

check it out for me!!

it seems like there's a little sequel secret at the end of the credit of iron man the movie. check it out !! it should be nice!!


look at the deep blue sea and white blue sky

i doesn't have anything to write down this moment,
but i would like to write some information about this blog.

firstly, this blog is a poem blog that i try to make.
it wasn't anymore because i don't really got the mood.
i don't know why, but maybe it's a cause of me not being in love.

i'll try my luck next time.

a girl named emily

search this sentence on youtube to see emily..

" youtubeee"

you'll love her.. ^^

be her subscriber!!

penting buat muslimah..

ada hadits yang menyatakan bahwa:

"Apabila seorang wanita memakai wewangian yang berlebih sehingga tercium aromanya oleh seorang pria, maka dia sama dengan pelacur"

cari saja haditsnya, dijamin 100% ada dan asli..


i wonder if what i am doing it's a right thing to do for a person in my position.
all that i know is i am doing all the things that i can and i believe in.
but somehow i don't feel enough about it.
my life become someone's life or everybody's life.
it just not my life anymore.

i always thinking about what i should do when i am facing big tragedy in my life.
am i doing the exact thing that a person could have done it perfectly.
firstly, i don't know how and i don't even care about it.
but because of it, i am in a stress situation right now.
i have done many stupid things in the past.
all that i can do now is doing something.
which one should i choose?
life normal with no bad less gain?
or sin life with more gain?

all that i want is to make every single soul on earth is smiling.